Command line parameters

--help Displays a brief help page and exits (with code 0), like shown here:

usage: [command] DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME [OPTIONS] i.e.
./ redis:latest [--min-score=95]

    --debug                     Display the DEBUG logs
    --fail-gracefully           The system will fail gracefully in case of network errors
    --help                      Displays this help and exits(0)
    --ignore-exclusions         force scan to ignore exclusions sourced from a .meterian file or a .trivyignore file
    --info                      Display the INFO logs
    --min-licensing=<SCORE>     Specifies the minimum licensing level to pass the build (default: --min-licensing=95 or as set in the account)
    --min-security=<SCORE>      Specifies the minimum security level to pass the build (default: --min-security=90 or as set in the account)
    --min-stability=<SCORE>     Specifies the minimum stability level to pass the build (default: --min-stability=80 or as set in the account)
    --project-branch=<BRANCH>   Specifies project branch, by default the tag of the image is used (example: --project-branch=latest)
    --project-commit=<COMMIT>   Specifies project commit, by default the digest of the image is used (example: --project-commit=9460cabbf623945495e6108c9d1979a9e7b5d8e7)
    --project-tags=<TAGS>       Allows to add a set of user defined tags (comme separated) to the project (example: --project-tags=production,platform)
    --project-url=<URL>         Specifies project url, by default the repository name of the image is used (example:
    --report-console            Ouputs the scan report on the console (default: color if not specified - options color|nocolor|security|stability|licensing) (example: --report-console=nocolor,security)
    --report-json=<FILENAME>    Produces an JSON report file (example: --report-json=report.json)
    --report-junit=<FILENAME>   Produces a JUNIT XML report file (example: --report-junit=report.xml)
    --report-pdf=<FILENAME>     Produces an PDF report file (example: --report-pdf=report.pdf)
    --report-sbom=<FILENAME>    Produces a Software Bill Of Meterials report file, format can be specified (see the doc)  (example: --report-sbom=sbom.csv)
    --report-tree               Produces a dependency tree, optionally on file where format can be specified (txt/json) (example: --report-tree=tree.txt)
    --tpn                       Displays the third party notice for this application and exits(0)
    --version                   Show the version

Please refer to the following subsections for further information.

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