Azure DevOps Pipelines

The Meterian Scanner Azure DevOps, available in the Azure DevOps Extensions Marketplace, adds an extra level of protection to your pipelines.

The native integration of Meterian in Azure DevOps can be completed in a few simple steps:

  • Install the Meterian Security Plus extension from the Marketplace

  • Set the Meterian API Token, either:

    • in a variables group

    • as part of a pipeline

In order to work, the Meterian scanner requires a working version of Docker in the image used to run the pipeline.

The only pre-requisite is a Meterian API Token which can be obtained from your paid subscription account's Meterian Dashboard. If you are using a free account and would like to upgrade, contact

Setting the Meterian API Token in variables group

Select Library from the Pipelines menu and create a new Variable group. Then add METERIAN_API_TOKEN (click on the lock icon to make it as secret variable).

Specify the variable group in the pipeline (Option A)

# Starter pipeline
# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and mode:

- main

 vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- group: meterian-team-variables

Setting the Meterian API Token as a pipeline variable (Option B)

  • From the Pipeline editor, click on Variable in the top right corner

Add Meterian task to the pipeline

  • In the Review section (or whenever editing the Pipeline) Click on "Show Assistant" and select "Meterian Scanner" from the list

  • The Meterian task must be under "steps"

  • Save the Pipeline

- main

 vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- group: meterian-team-variables

- task: Meterian Scanner@0

Specifying options

It is possible to specify the Meterian CLI options and also to specify a custom working directory, neither of them is required.

- task: Meterian Scanner@0
    client_options: "--min-security=90"    
    working_directory: "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/path/to/directory"

A working example of pipeline can be found here.

You can also find here a non-native integration for Azure DevOps Pipelines

Dedicated instance setup

Should you need to perform a scan that targets your dedicated instance, you can override the defaults by adding the following environment variables to your pipeline's Meterian task:



Set this variable to target the right subdomain of the site where your instance runs


Set this variable to target the right HTTP protocol of the site where your instance runs


Set this variable to target the right domain of the site where your instance runs

Here is an example pipeline that performs a scan connecting to a dedicated instance located at

- task: Meterian Scanner@0
    METERIAN_ENV: "mycompany"

Last updated