IaC Scanner

The IaC Scanner (ISAAC) needs to be manually configured to ensure the scan runs for you dedicated instance. Prior to invocation ensure you set the following environment variables as such



Set this variable to target the right subdomain of the site where your instance runs


Set this variable to target the right HTTP protocol of the site where your instance runs


Set this variable to target the right domain of the site where your instance runs

You can check that your client is correctly connecting to the dedicated instance executing the client with "--help", which will display the instance and the account it is connecting to.

$ export METERIAN_ENV=acme
$ export METERIAN_DOMAIN=meterian.uk
$ isaac --help

Meterian ISAAC v1.1.16
© 2017-2021 Meterian Ltd - All rights reserved

 --help			Displays this help end exits(0)

Meterian servers at https://acme.meterian.io/ are reachable from this system
Meterian servers are authorizing this client for account "QA Account"

Last updated