Command line parameters

--help Displays a brief help page and exits (with code 0), like shown here: (please note that this is an example, your output may be different)

Meterian Client v1.2.24.4, build 13c1adb-730
© 2017-2022 Meterian Ltd - All rights reserved

 --tpn			Displays the third party notice for this application and exits(0)
 --help			Displays this help and exits(0)
 --clean		Cleans any previous build information on the client
 --folder		The root folder of the project (default: current folder) (example: --folder=/path/to/project)
 --local		Runs this build using the local build system (default: --local=true)
 --interactive		Allows the client to use the browser for interactive authentication (default: --interactive=true)
 --start-only		Uses two-phase build, start remotely and exit (default: --start-only=false)
 --auth-file		Uses an authorisation file (example: --auth-file=~/ci.json)
 --min-security		Specifies the minimum security level to pass the build (default: --min-security=90 or as set in the account)
 --min-stability	Specifies the minimum stability level to pass the build (default: --min-stability=80 or as set in the account)
 --min-licensing	Specifies the minimum licensing level to pass the build (default: --min-licensing=95 or as set in the account)
 --report-file		Produces an HTML report file (example: --report-file=~/report.html)
 --report-json		Produces an JSON report file (example: --report-json=~/report.json)
 --report-junit		Produces a JUNIT XML report file (example: --report-junit=~/report.xml)
 --report-pdf		Produces an PDF report file (example: --report-pdf=~/report.pdf)
 --report-threadfix	Produces an Threadfix-compatible report file (example: --report-threadfix=~/report.threadfix)
 --report-sbom		Produces a Software Bill Of Meterials report file, format can be specified (see the doc)  (example: --report-sbom=~/sbom.csv)
 --report-console	Ouputs the scan report on the console (default: color if not specified - options color|nocolor|security|stability|licensing
 --project-url		Specifies project url, if you are not using git (example: --project-url=
 --project-branch	Specifies project branch, if you are not using git (example: --project-branch=master)
 --project-commit	Specifies project commit, if you are not using git (example: --project-commit=9460cabbf623945495e6108c9d1979a9e7b5d8e7)
 --project-key		Specifies project to associate this analysys to (example: --project-key=f6239454)
 --project-tags		Allows to add a set of user defined Meterian tags (comme separated) to the project (example: --project-tags=production,platform)
 --concurrent-mode	Enables concurrent mode (default: --concurrent-mode=true)
 --scan-java		Forces java scan (default: will run if java code present)
 --scan-nodejs		Forces nodejs scan (default: will run if nodejs code present)
 --scan-dotnet		Forces dotnet scan (default: will run if dotnet code present)
 --scan-javascript	Forces javascript scan (true:false:maybe) (default: won't run)
 --scan-ruby		Forces ruby scan (default: will run if ruby code present)
 --scan-rust		Forces rust scan (default: will run if rust code present)
 --scan-elixir		Forces elixir scan (default: will run if rust code present)
 --scan-scala		Forces scala scan (default: will run if scala code present)
 --scan-python		Forces python scan (default: will run if python code present)
 --scan-perl		Forces perl scan (default: will run if perl manifests present)
 --scan-golang		Forces golang scan (default: will run if go manifests present)
 --scan-unity		Forces scan of unity packages (true:false) (default: won't run)
 --scan-cpp		Forces scan of C/CPP packages via conan (true:false) (default: will run if conan manifests are present)
 --scan-r		Forces R scan (true:false) (default: will run if renv manifests present)
 --autofix		Automatically fixes dependencies versions (see the online documentation)
 --dump			Dumps the requested report on the console (example: --dump=dependencies)
 --process-notebooks	Enables processing of (python only) jupyter notebooks
 --fail-gracefully	The system will fail gracefully in case of network errors
 --exclude-folders	Allow to excludes folder from analysis, where applicable (example: **/*.samples,**/*.labs)--exclude-folders=)
 --exclude-roots	Allow to exclude root dependencies of choice from the analysis (example: --exclude-roots=app,lib)

For any furher information please refer to the online documentation at

Meterian servers are reachable from this system

It will also check that the connectivity with the Meterian cloud servers is in place: this is useful in case you want to validate your proxy configuration or you fear a corporate firewall is interfering.

Please refer to the following subsections for further information.

Last updated

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